BNZ Event Details

2024 BNZ and WBC Annual General Meeting

Saturday, May 11, 2024
Event type:
Event location:
Apres, 50 Cardrona Valley Road
Event timings:
Event facebook page

5pm Wanaka Biathlon Club AGM

Following on - Biathlon New Zealand AGM

The Annual General Meetings of Biathlon NZ and the Wanaka Biathlon Club. will be held 11 May 2024 at Apres, 50 Cardrona Valley Road, following Wanaka Biathlon Club's AGM scheduled for 5pm.

If you are interested in the development of biathlon in our town, we strongly encourage you to attend.

The purpose of the AGM is to:

·       Receive the President’s Report

·       Receive the Treasurer’s Financial Report and Approve the Statement of Finances (Please see copies attached)

Treasurers Report


·       Elect the Committee

·       Pass the following resolutions:

  1. That Biathlon NZ supports the submission of grant applications to the Lion Foundation and any other gaming or other granting organisations for the purposes of funding sports equipment, buildings, travel expenses and any other costs related to the running of Biathlon NZ
  2. That Biathlon NZ supports the proposed amendments to its constitution, the amendments being required to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

·       Consider any other General Business

Nominations and apologies to by 10 May 2024.

Google Meet Link:

Report / Results
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How to take part:
All welcome
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